Hey There! Ready to get to work on yourself?

Create. Your. Self. with Studio B's Healthy Habit Tracking Subscription for Just $29.95/Month

Track your healthy habits by checking them off each day and watch your life change for the better.

Changing your life is about the small things you do each day.

To change your life, change your habits.

We developed this program to help you track the habits that keep you building health and wellbeing every day.

This self directed program aims to develop inspiration and increase motivation on your health journey.

This program is built to support you to move everyday, eat well, strengthen behaviors to build positive social relationships, get solid sleep, and focus on healthy coping skills to regulate your mood.

Purchase Studio B's Healthy Habit Tracking Subscription and Get to Work Creating. Your. Self.

We'll give you tools and support to build your health from the inside out and balance out your mind so you take control over your health using mind over matter.

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    We know inboxes get overloaded and want to make sure the information you need you are getting. With this membership we’ll email once a week.